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Malarky – “Exaggerated or foolish talk, usually intended to deceive.” I can understand why Biden is familiar with that term, based on its definition. What’s another word for pompous, obnoxious, womanizing jerk? Biden. “The numbers aren’t good. And Biden’s rendition of them? All malarkey!” Here’s example one of the three laid out by Gerri Willis: […]

I Will Not Read, I Will Not Listen, I Promise

ABC News to its writers: Folks, this election is about ignoring all of Romney’s successes, kindness and generosity, and ignoring all of Obama’s failures, selfishness and narcissism. Let’s get 8 more stories done about “the 47%” this week, and not Bain anymore since that backfired. I’m tired of hearing about all of the jobs Romney […]

3 Thoughts

If you still believe that FDR didn’t greatly extend the Depression, then just observe what’s happening today. Liberal government… always better in theory than in practice. Mark Steyn The Grammys were revealing, all fluff, no substance. These were the people who elected Obama… see the connection?

America’s Got Talent!

Now here’s some talent:Contestant 1: Timothy Geithner going on Meet The Democrats (aka Meet The Press) to explain that the stimulus is working. Wow… that’s got to be harder than riding a unicycle while spinning plates on a pole. “No. No, you’re right, the unemployment is worse than almost everybody expected. But growth is back […]

The “crash” officially began when Obama won the Democratic Nomination

From my stint writing as Typical White Person for American Sentinel (Now Annuit Coeptis). originally posted Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 1:08AM Next time you hear a Democratic talking head spouting the usual blame on Bush regarding the current economic crisis, remember that the stock market crash started once Wall Street realized Obama could actually […]