Actual Journalism, Benghazi Timeline

Some liberals on facebook were describing Republicans as those doing yellow journalism: a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.

Listen to this then, what I might call actual journalism, laying out the facts and the timeline of the lead up to the security nightmare known as Benghazi.

WARNING to Democrats: for your safety, I recommend you only watch the first 22 minutes. You probably don’t want to see the part where the man y’all want to vote for (and his cohorts) ran a campaign about how this attack was spontaneous based on a video, and kept it going for over 2 weeks, while claiming during the 2nd debate that he had specifically called this attack one of terrorism on Sept. 12. I’d call yellow journalism the type that is too chicken to tell the truth about our current leader, to vet him, or ask real questions of him. (Or too afraid or uninformed to challenge him, right Candy Crowley?) Even so, this piece simply quotes him, and reports it. Thanks Bret!

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