America’s Got Talent!

Now here’s some talent:
Contestant 1: Timothy Geithner going on Meet The Democrats (aka Meet The Press) to explain that the stimulus is working. Wow… that’s got to be harder than riding a unicycle while spinning plates on a pole.

“No. No, you’re right, the unemployment is worse than almost everybody expected. But growth is back a little more quickly…”

Right. Growth as in buckets of government money thrown at “saving” government jobs, and bailing out clunker owners, and home buyers with free money. That’s growth in the Obama administration.

“Well, again, I think for large numbers of Americans and businesses, small businesses in particular, it’s a tough economy.”

 Sorry about those small businesses… but um, don’t you see a connection between unemployment and strapping/ignoring small business? This is the problem with electing Marxists and professional students who know nothing about business. The whole term “shovel ready” should’ve been one huge clue, as if the job growth would be coming through employing temp workers digging ditches to build a new highway system (a la FDR). Odd thinking from a campaign that used the internet with such success.

Contestant 2: Valerie Jarrett on This Week with George Stephanopoulos – her task was to explain how Obama has made good on building unity, and how his health care plan has been bipartisan. Wow. Selling that would be like trying to argue that Bette Midler was the greatest soul singer of the 20th century. The Democrats have tried to cram this legislation down our throats with the public option ignoring all the aspects that could actually improve the situation such as tort reform, and interstate competition.

Contestant 3: Obama himself getting his photo op in front of a fallen hero at Dover Air Force Base. Very dramatic, slow timed salute, with great lighting. He has some quality multimedia people working for him. Sorry ’bout those folks still slugging it out in Afghanistan, but it’s sure good to know that Obama cares about our soldiers. Deeply.

So those are the three finalists. Who’s the winner? They’re all so talented; it’s hard to choose.

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