Now We’re Cooking With Butter… does that count as a part time job?

“The 114,000 jobs created would have been a good number… but for 1962, not 2012. The U.S. economy needs 2-3 times that number every month to close the jobs gap.”

“Digging beneath the veneer, the quality of these so-called Household jobs is called into question, seeing as part-time work for ‘economic reasons’ dominated with a 582K run-up in September. And upon closer inspection of the actual amount of slack in the labor market, the more inclusive U6 unemployment rate that does a much better job at capturing underemployment remain stubbornly stuck at 14.7%.”

In 2005, the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office reported that several states listed as part of their definition of a “federal work activity” under TANF the following:

1. Bed rest

2. Personal care activities

3. Massage

4. Exercise

5. Journaling

6. Motivational reading

7. Smoking cessation

8. Weight loss promotion

9. Participating in parent teacher meetings

10. Helping a friend or relative with household tasks and errands.

I wonder if standing in a Union protest rally or pro-Obama rally for $10 an hour also qualifies as… a new part time job too? Or clicking thru on a “work from home” link? Practicing bass guitar?

One Comment

  1. James Shott October 8, 2012 at 1:06 pm #

    The Household survey certainly does have loose requirements.

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