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Archive | health

The Huge Elephant in the Room

Government health care… a huge elephant. The tail: Lip service to the 3 things people actually do want changed (affordability, pre-existing loopholes, and portability), plus willful ignorance of several items that actually could help achieve those 3 things (interstate competition, tort reform, actual portability). Then the elephant itself is massive government control and taxation in […]

There’s Just Something About That Wheat in Uganda

Ug99 Stem Rust is spreading fast. Scientists and Researchers need to continue to pool together to stave off this latest strain of wheat-killer, which could devastate world food supplies. In the meantime… GO WITH SPELT. Ug99 may take several years to reach North America, but it is inevitable. (Image courtesy [Link: dangerous-wheat-disease-jumps-red-sea]

Smell ya later!

This woman smelled like dead fish for most of her life. Smart, and pretty, but could someone open a window? The story of Camille – former model, Phi Beta Kappa with a master’s in education, who suffered from trimethylaMinuria, which depending on diet can make you stink to high heaven. [When Camille got older, the […]