Alexandra Pelosi’s Good Intentions

OK – after reading this I have to feel some remorse for Alexandra Pelosi, daughter of Nancy, whose documentary “Friends of God” airs on HBO January 25. She chose the “former” Reverend Ted Haggard to be her leading man. Imagine, you’re just about to wrap up filming of your new docudrama, you flip on the TV, and there’s your guy, splashed all over the news, admitting to drug abuse and having sex with a male prostitute.

“I chose the wrong leading man” quips Pelosi. Unfortunately, Jesus was not available.

“I believe in the culture war,” Pelosi continues. “And you know what? If I have to take a side in the culture war I’ll take their side,” meaning the Christian conservatives. “Because if you give me the choice of Paris Hilton or Jesus, I’ll take Jesus.”

After much editing and de-emphasizing of Haggard, viewers will get to see only what’s left of her film. And if what’s left is just Jerry Falwell and Joel Osteen, I’d hazard a guess that this’ll be another missed-the-mark film like “Jesus People.” But I’ll reserve judgement until the film maks its way to Netflix.

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