Unashamed and Unaware
Was it fair for the Debate Commission to not allow Obama to use his teleprompter for the debate? The number one answer: Otherwise how is he going to memorize an entire hour and a half debate? I’d be so embarrassed to be a Democrat, but each new day comes, and many people still proceed on as a Dem, unashamed or perhaps unaware of how foolish they appear. The President can say anything to these supporters and they will parrot it like it bears resemblance to factual or truthful information. We’re on the right track. We’re growing jobs. We’re moving forward. For example Harry Reid starts a flash mob about Romney’s tax returns, and how many fools rushed in on that? Here doggy, chase the ball. Most rational people knew immediately it was false, because Reid is not credible. But Democrats, no, they’re in! Once the lie is revealed, it doesn’t matter. They’re onto Big Bird now, who is worth more than Romney himself, but no matter, he needs his millions from taxpayers. Anyway, the esteemed Democrat party:
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