The Huge Elephant in the Room

Government health care… a huge elephant. The tail: Lip service to the 3 things people actually do want changed (affordability, pre-existing loopholes, and portability), plus willful ignorance of several items that actually could help achieve those 3 things (interstate competition, tort reform, actual portability). Then the elephant itself is massive government control and taxation in […]

Communism Wears Make up

At least I’m not going to go out of my way to zoom in way too close on her face and make her look bad (think Palin interview with prudish Diane Sawyer on Nightline zooming practically into the nostrils after tough questions), which Frank Luntz said was an old trick they learned over at 60 […]

Indianapolis Still Undefeated; NFL Still Racist

The Indianapolis Colts overcame the Baltimore Ravens 17 to 15 in a low-scoring nail biter, to remain undefeated at 10-0. Meanwhile the NFL, an organization that chose to allow the scandalous treatment of a potential buyer, Rush Limbaugh, playing the race card using the lowest form of misrepresentation (on the eve of talks to discuss […]

Backwards or Forwards?

After winning NY23, Bill Owen said this about voters there: “They put aside partisanship and declared they’re ready to move forward, not backward.” Just wanted to think about going backwards for a minute… back to when the DOW was over 14,000 (as on the day Obama won the nomination over Hillary). Back to when unemployment […]

America’s Got Talent!

Now here’s some talent:Contestant 1: Timothy Geithner going on Meet The Democrats (aka Meet The Press) to explain that the stimulus is working. Wow… that’s got to be harder than riding a unicycle while spinning plates on a pole. “No. No, you’re right, the unemployment is worse than almost everybody expected. But growth is back […]


Perhaps the reason I don’t want Kevin Jennings masquerading as a safe school czar is because I’m a BHOmophobe. Aside from the fact that I don’t think we need another large government paycheck going to an un-vetted, over-authorized czar, to be honest, I wouldn’t want any person whose main rise to notoriety has been centered […]