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Archive | Romney

The Truth Team

Obama has a page on his site called the truth team. That’s rich. Is that the team that told us that Romney hadn’t paid his taxes for 10 years? That Benghazi was about a “vile” Youtube, oh, but “I also declared on Sep 12 it was an act of terror. Check the transcript!” (Debate 2) […]

How do you trash Obama’s record? By mentioning it. It’s trash already.

In a recent conference call, David Axelrod complained, saying Romney was trashing Obama’s record. Um, all you’d have to do is mention his record… and that would be trashing it automatically. What Axelrod is used to doing is un-trashing it on a daily basis. That’s why we’ve “added jobs 48 weeks in a row.” Not […]

I Will Not Read, I Will Not Listen, I Promise

ABC News to its writers: Folks, this election is about ignoring all of Romney’s successes, kindness and generosity, and ignoring all of Obama’s failures, selfishness and narcissism. Let’s get 8 more stories done about “the 47%” this week, and not Bain anymore since that backfired. I’m tired of hearing about all of the jobs Romney […]