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Archive | obama

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Testing 1, 2, 3. Mike check. Hello? Testing.  Ladies and Gentlemen! Your education has certainly suffered during the past 8 years. But I’m here to change that…. bringing what’s called NEW MATH to Washington, where 4 million lost jobs equals a gain of 2 million (saved or created, or saved, or created, or created/saved), where […]

America’s Got Talent!

Now here’s some talent:Contestant 1: Timothy Geithner going on Meet The Democrats (aka Meet The Press) to explain that the stimulus is working. Wow… that’s got to be harder than riding a unicycle while spinning plates on a pole. “No. No, you’re right, the unemployment is worse than almost everybody expected. But growth is back […]


Perhaps the reason I don’t want Kevin Jennings masquerading as a safe school czar is because I’m a BHOmophobe. Aside from the fact that I don’t think we need another large government paycheck going to an un-vetted, over-authorized czar, to be honest, I wouldn’t want any person whose main rise to notoriety has been centered […]

The “crash” officially began when Obama won the Democratic Nomination

From my stint writing as Typical White Person for American Sentinel (Now Annuit Coeptis). originally posted Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 1:08AM Next time you hear a Democratic talking head spouting the usual blame on Bush regarding the current economic crisis, remember that the stock market crash started once Wall Street realized Obama could actually […]

In Search of an Adjective

I heard a new adjective used to describe the Obama inauguration today. Monumental. Is that similar to the Lincoln Memorial monument? Perhaps we can all make an Obama monument right now … a testament to the Presidency that will be. He has already been crowned the greatest president ever by many followers, fans, and reporters. […]

Senate Seat for Sale

Senate Seat for Sale – (sung to the tune of Love For Sale by Billie Holiday, Cole Porter) When the only sound in the empty seat, Is the beeping voicemail of the occasional visitor That belonged to an out-of-town Barack, I open shop. When the moon so long has been gazing down On the wayward […]