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Archive | obama

Obama Backed the Brotherhood

The respected Egyptian magazine Rose al-Youssef has identified at least six Brotherhood-tied agents of influence who have worked into positions inside the Obama administration. The respected Egyptian magazine Rose al-Youssef has identified at least six Brotherhood-tied agents of influence who have worked into positions inside the Obama administration. Read More At IBD:

The Truth Team

Obama has a page on his site called the truth team. That’s rich. Is that the team that told us that Romney hadn’t paid his taxes for 10 years? That Benghazi was about a “vile” Youtube, oh, but “I also declared on Sep 12 it was an act of terror. Check the transcript!” (Debate 2) […]

Actual Journalism, Benghazi Timeline

Some liberals on facebook were describing Republicans as those doing yellow journalism: a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Listen to this then, what I might call actual journalism, laying out the facts and the timeline of the lead up to […]

If Santa were Obama/Axelrod’s Political Opponent

based on Obama’s style (via Axelrod, Jarret) of seeking to personally destroy his opponents David Axelrod’s pattern of sexual misbehavior And now without further ado: if Santa were Obama/Axelrod’s political opponent by Soo-Do Nim What’s in Santa’s “closet”? The word is out that Santa spends a great deal of time stashing more than just Johnny’s […]

I Will Not Read, I Will Not Listen, I Promise

ABC News to its writers: Folks, this election is about ignoring all of Romney’s successes, kindness and generosity, and ignoring all of Obama’s failures, selfishness and narcissism. Let’s get 8 more stories done about “the 47%” this week, and not Bain anymore since that backfired. I’m tired of hearing about all of the jobs Romney […]