Have trouble remembering names? Phone numbers/ Your credit card number? Check out this amazing story of a savant who has not retreated into autism, and recited Pi at Oxford to the amazement of scholars. “It took him over five hours and he did it without a single mistake.” CBS [Link]
Archive | human_interest
Welcome to New York!
Wow! Those cruel streets of New York. The muggings, rapes, and murders. Perhaps that infamous NYC reputation is what kept Damon Mootoo from asking anyone for directions for a period of 5 days and 4 nights in a chilly Queens New York. Mootoo was staying at his brother’s house in South Jamaica, Queens, and 12 […]
Elderly Woman Beats Mountain Lion Into Submission
Nell Hamm is a strong woman. While hiking in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in California, a mountain lion pounced, attacking her husband, and had his head locked in his ferocious jaws. After beating the lion repeatedly with a 4-inch wide log, the lion released his death grip, and stared at the 65-year-old woman. She […]
Interview with Wife of CNET Editor James Kim: surviving a week in the Oregon forest
This is a tough but amazing story of survival. I am so sorry for their loss, but thank God James’ wife Mati and family survived to tell this story.
Welcome to the Jungle
‘Half-Animal’ Woman Is Discovered After Spending 19 Years Alone in Cambodian Jungle Wow – where would we all be without schooling, and family? Makes me wonder about the very first languages spoken – how were they thought of, and how many words were in the vocabulary? And now that we do have so many languages […]