But I thought you said…
Archive by Author
Romney’s Closing Argument Speech
In the logic of Obama, Romney is a liar here because they’re chanting 4 more days, but it’s actually 3 more days. Liar! Romnesia! fair shake fair shot. fair play, not fair hair. Share? Don’t you care? Forward. We are the children of tomorrow. Kumbaya. Hope and change. Romnesia. peace love, communism. Big Bird. green […]
The Truth Team
Obama has a page on his site called the truth team. That’s rich. Is that the team that told us that Romney hadn’t paid his taxes for 10 years? That Benghazi was about a “vile” Youtube, oh, but “I also declared on Sep 12 it was an act of terror. Check the transcript!” (Debate 2) […]
GOP Videos
Romney GOP Video Playlist
Actual Journalism, Benghazi Timeline
Some liberals on facebook were describing Republicans as those doing yellow journalism: a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Listen to this then, what I might call actual journalism, laying out the facts and the timeline of the lead up to […]
Malarky – “Exaggerated or foolish talk, usually intended to deceive.” I can understand why Biden is familiar with that term, based on its definition. What’s another word for pompous, obnoxious, womanizing jerk? Biden. “The numbers aren’t good. And Biden’s rendition of them? All malarkey!” Here’s example one of the three laid out by Gerri Willis: […]
How do you trash Obama’s record? By mentioning it. It’s trash already.
In a recent conference call, David Axelrod complained, saying Romney was trashing Obama’s record. Um, all you’d have to do is mention his record… and that would be trashing it automatically. What Axelrod is used to doing is un-trashing it on a daily basis. That’s why we’ve “added jobs 48 weeks in a row.” Not […]
Romney/Ryan vs Itchy/Scratchy?
Is it Romney/Ryan vs Itchy/Scratchy? Obama supporters take to keying cars with Romney/Ryan stickers. @marklevin http://ow.ly/ejh4J
Fact Checkers – those Great Purveyors of Truth
Beverly says: “I would love to see a bar under the candidates with the fact checkers score with each statement made by the candidates. Something like”liar, liar, pants on fire.” Or “he might could do that.” It’s bogus. The only difference with fact checkers is that they build themselves up as the great purveyors of […]
Unashamed and Unaware
Was it fair for the Debate Commission to not allow Obama to use his teleprompter for the debate? The number one answer: Otherwise how is he going to memorize an entire hour and a half debate? I’d be so embarrassed to be a Democrat, but each new day comes, and many people still proceed on […]